Women’s Platform UK-WPUK/ İngiltere Kadın Platformu ve Menemen Ticaret Odası işbirliğiyle düzenlediğimiz ” Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği” panel ve söyleşi etkinliğimiz Menemen Ticaret Odası, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Konferans Salonunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kadın ve doğanın aynı öze sahip olduğu fikrinden yola çıkan ‘Balinanın Bilgisi’ filmi, Muğla’nın dağ köyünde yaşayan hamile bir kadının hikayesinden ilham alıyor. Önder Şengül’ün senaryosunu yazıp yönetmenliğini yaptığı Balinanın Bilgisi filmini ERASMUS’a taşımış olmanın sevincini ve gururunu yaşıyoruz.
✓ İngiltere ve İstanbul’dan gelen alanlarında birbirinden
değerli panelistlerimiz konuya ilişkin görüşlerini dile
getirirken, Psikolojik Danışman Didem Tolunay ” I Am Remarkable- Ben Eşsiz Biriyim” başlıklı kısa bir atölye çalışmasıyla panele renk katarken, Ana Konuşmacımız, yazar Pınar Gogulan “İnsanın Kendisiyle Barışı” konulu sunumuyla
bizlerle birlikte oldu.

Cinsiyet Eşitliği, Glass Cliff- Cam Uçurum ” panel ve söyleşi etkinliğimizin 2.gününde ESİAD bizlere ev sahipliği yaptı.
İngiltere ve İstanbul’dan gelen alanlarında birbirinden değerli panelistlerimiz konuya ilişkin görüşlerini dile getirirken Ressam Umut Sungur, Bakmak-Görmek: Bir Tablonun Analizi” başlıklı resim okuma atölye çalışmasıyla bizlere farkındalık kazandırdı. Ana Konuşmacımız, Prof.Dr.Mehmet Zihni Sungur ” Eşitlik için Erkekler de Burada: İyi Aile, İyi Ebeveyn Olmak” konulu sunumuyla bizlerle birlikte oldu. Not Kendisi alanında bir duayendir🙏✔Balinanın Bilgisi isimli çok uluslu projemize desteklerinden dolayı tüm katılımcılara teşekkür ederim.

Igniting Change as Our Global Change Ambassador

We are elated to announce the election of our esteemed colleague, Etibar Mikayilov, as the Global Change Ambassador for the years 2023 to 2025 at Echo Change organization. This is a momentous achievement that reflects Etibar’s commitment to driving positive transformation within our society. Our heartfelt congratulations to Etibar for this remarkable accomplishment. 11/082023

UPG Sustainability Leadership

We are thrilled to announce that one of our esteemed colleagues, Etibar Mikayilov, has been selected for the prestigious UPG Sustainability Leadership program as part of the class of 2023. UPG Sustainability Leadership is a global movement that empowers individuals and organizations to take positive action towards sustainability and encourages citizen leadership in this domain.

This movement embraces the belief that everyone has the capacity to contribute to a more sustainable world by utilizing the resources available to them. UPG recognizes that sustainability encompasses a wide range of issues, including environmental concerns such as tree planting, waste recycling, energy management, and ocean protection. However, it also acknowledges the significance of other long-standing societal issues such as education, health, employment, gender equality, sustainable consumption, and sustainable production.

To guide their efforts, UPG draws inspiration from the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which serve as a roadmap for creating a more sustainable future. As part of their flagship activity, UPG offers the #UPGSustainability Leadership training program, providing comprehensive training to over 500 young adults from 125 countries annually. This program equips participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective sustainability leaders in their respective communities and fields.

Additionally, UPG engages with schools, institutions, and companies through various activities, fostering sustainability awareness and action at different levels. By mobilizing individuals and organizations worldwide, UPG Sustainability Leadership aims to create a collective impact and drive positive change towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

We congratulate Etibar Mikayilov on being selected for this exceptional program and commend his commitment to making a difference in the field of sustainability. We are proud to have him as a member of our team, and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact he will undoubtedly create through his participation in the UPG Sustainability Leadership program.

“3D scanning and printing of historical artifacts for inclusive fruition of cultural heritage”

We are pleased to announce that our Project Manager, Etibar Mikayılov, was among the distinguished participants at the recent workshop on “3D scanning and printing of historical artifacts for inclusive fruition of cultural heritage.”

Experts from around the world recently gathered for a workshop focused on utilizing cutting-edge technology to enhance the preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage sites. With a range of topics including virtual reality, 3D scanning, photogrammetry, and 3D printing, the event showcased innovative methods for improving territorial attractiveness, cultural heritage management, and touristic development. Attendees discussed case studies from various regions, such as the Swabian castle of Gioia del Colle and the Apollonia archaeological site in Albania, where 3D scanning was used to assess earthquake damage. Practical laboratory sessions demonstrated the process of using 3D.

Organized by the Presidential Communications Directorate, the “State Incentives Promotion Days” fair, which was first launched in 2021 and held in 13 cities in order to strengthen the communication between the nation and the state and to explain the public services offered by the state to young people, was held on April 13-14 at the Governor’s Square in Eskişehir, the 14th stop of the fair.

“Festival Dell’Ingegneria” ad Apuliam

Our colleague Etibar Mikayilov recently participated in an exciting engineering festival in Italy, where he joined experts and enthusiasts from various fields to explore cutting-edge technologies and their impact on society. The festival covered a range of topics, including the role of digitization in energy transition, the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence in the Apulian market, and sustainable mobility. One workshop, in particular, focused on the Pirelli Digital Solutions Center, located at I’opla Talent Garden, where Mikayilov shared his expertise on the potential of digital solutions in various industries. Attendees also discussed the growing significance of Apuliam as a hub of innovation and technology, with its reputation as the southern Silicon Valley. The festival provided a valuable platform for networking and sharing knowledge, and our team member’s participation highlighted our commitment to staying at the forefront of emergin.

KA220-YOU-Project ” Fashion Earth Alliance: Vocational Excellence and Enterprise united for Training, policy reform and sustainability in the fashion, textiles and apparel industries. Our project, which acts with the motto of a greener and more digital textile and fashion industry, will attract the attraction of the textile industry. It was a great experience to represent Turkey in the Netherlands/Amsterdam at the closing meeting of our project, which aims to increase the awareness of today’s digital skills, attract the attention of the young workforce, and offer green and green solutions to the problems arising from the fast fashion trend.Thanks to the European Projects.

In the Melih Savaş Yaşam Village, which received the National Energy Globe Award of Tepebaşı Municipality, local and foreign guests who carried out the Learn Relearn Unlearn The Renewables (LEARN+) Project made observations.

As part of the Learn Relearn Unlearn The Renewables (LEARN+) Project, project partners from Turkey as well as Spain, Netherlands, Latvia, Greece and Iceland made investigations at Melih Savaş Yaşam Village. To the delegation, Tepebaşı Mayor Dt. Ahmet Ataç accompanied him. In addition to renewable energy systems, guests also received information about the Alzheimer’s Guesthouse, İbrahim Ethem Kesikbaş Handicapped Assembly Workshop, Physiotherapy Center and electric bicycles in the center.

As part of the UNITY project, our team and the representatives other partner organizations from Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Croatia visited Malmö Municipality (Malmö stad). The UNITY partners got insights on digitalization in education in Sweden from ICT-developers and pedagogues for far-reaching the objectives of the UNITY project across the EU.

The first meeting of the ASSETS (bAsic Steam compETences for migrantS) project,which aims to promote and develop relevant and high-quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills and competencies for migrants who pursue to promote their career in relevant job positions, either as employees or self-employed, was held in Reykjanesbær, Iceland. The meeting started with a presentation by each partner country about their organizations and continued with speeches by representatives of Austria and Turkey to clarify the intellectual results of the project.

İnovasyon ve Dijital Gelişim Derneği Yönetim Kurulu’nun 12/12/2022 tarihinde almış olduğu karar gereği Genel Kurulda aşağıdaki gündem maddelerinin görüşülmesi amacıyla; 25/12/2022 tarihinde saat 16.00‘da dernek merkezimiz olan Uluönder Mah. Fahrettin Altay Cd. No:6/13 Tepebaşı/ ESKİŞEHİR adresinde derneğimizin Olağan Genel Kurul Toplantısı yapılmasına karar verilmiştir. Çoğunluk sağlanamaz ise 05/01/2023 tarihinde aynı yer ve saatte çoğunluk aranmaksızın yapılacaktır.
Sayın üyelerimizin dernek merkezimizde yapılacak olan Olağan Genel Kurul toplantımıza iştirak etmelerini bekler, saygılar sunarız. 12/12/2022
1. Açılış ve yoklama
2. Başkanlık Divan seçimi
3. Saygı duruşu ve İstiklal Marşı
4. Dernekler yönetmeliği 32. Maddeye göre tüzüğün 1. Maddesinin güncellenmesi ve Dernek merkezinin adres değişikliğinin görüşülmesi ve gerekli tüzük değişikliklerinin yapılması.
5. Dernek Tüzüğündeki geçici maddelerin kaldırılması.
6. Dilek ve temenniler
7. Kapanış

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